About Single Parents [offsite link]
About Single Parents provides news, articles, a lively forum community, recipes, freebies, chat, and links to resources for every single parent. Also offering daily Weblog updates and free weekly newsletter.
Disrespect towards Parents
A lot has changed over the years. While children of the past would never have considered talking back to their parents, children today not only talk back, but feel they have the right to ignore our instructions if they don't like them. What happened?
My Terrible Two´s Tale
It was a nightmare! The most difficult tantrum I ever dealt with and my daughter had the upper-hand!
Picky Eaters: The Battle for Dinner
Your picky eaters is driving your crazy with their time-consuming demands. Well, they are your creation! How to change the battle for dinner into a peaceful repast...
Respect and Today's Children
Some believe that today's children are vastly different from those of prior generations. Some believe there is little difference. Respect seems to be lacking in many. Was it always or are today's children simply unafraid to express their lack of respect for adults?
Single Parents Central [offsite link]
The home of guerilla single parenting. Sections geared not only toward parenting, but toward the parents themselves.
Single Parents Network [offsite link]
Articles, information, discussion board with topics originated by members. Child custody, child support, finances, education, parenting & discipline.
Tantrum Tips - Dealing with Terrible Two´s
Tips on how to deal with your own terrible two´s (or tantrums at any age!)
The Fight For Attention
Siblings are in a constant state of rivalry with each other. The main prize is your attention. What can you do to lessen the strain on you?
Toddler Tips
Toddlers are a challenge. They are exploring their world at full speed and they often object to our intervention. How can we train without suppressing their natural curiousity?
When Students Disrespect Teachers
Disrespect has become common among children and teens and schools are one place where this new attitude is very evident. Where did the attitude start and what can we do about it? The answers are not always clear, but it is obvious that we need to address this problem now.
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