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Living Simply-Improve Your Life with Less Clutter

by Tina Razzell
Living Simply – Improve Your Life with Less Clutter is a collection of articles dealing with getting rid of clutter.

First we buy too much, then we keep stuff that we really don’t want. Our homes are filled with too much clutter, our lives are overscheduled and overburdened. Stuff comes into our homes faster than we are able to get rid of it. Enough already!

Maybe it’s time to motivate yourself to get rid of the stuff you don’t want. This book takes you through the practical motivations and methods to get unwanted stuff out of your home, including specific instructions for each room in your home. Considering that our outward surroundings often reflect our inner state of mind, there’s also a chapter on getting rid of emotional baggage.

Living Simply – Improve Your Life with Less Clutter is a collection of articles dealing with getting rid of clutter, most of which originally appeared on the Living Simply Site of BellaOnline.


1. Living Simply
2. What is Clutter?
3. Reduce Stress by Simplifying Your Life
4. What is the Problem with Clutter?
5. Why Does Clutter Happen?
6. How to Get Rid of Stuff You Don’t Want
7. Decluttering and Organizing a Whole House
8. How to Motivate Yourself to Get Rid of Clutter
9. How to use Freecycle
10. Simplify Your Kitchen and Reduce Kitchen Clutter
11. Bedroom – Storage of Sanctuary?
12. How to Declutter a Closet
13. How to Tidy a Child’s Bedroom Age 6 and Under
14. How to Tidy a Child’s Bedroom Age 7 to 12
15. How to Tidy a Teenager’s Bedroom
16. Children, Teenagers and Bedrooms – Advice for Moms
17. A Simple Way to Improve Your Bathroom
18. Organizing Your Home Office Clutter
19. Organizing and Reducing Book Clutter
20. Email Clutter – Organize Your Inbox
21. How to Declutter Your Garage and Get it Organized
22. How to Organize a Garage Sale
23. How to Empty Your Storage Space of Clutter
24. Simple Recycling Tips
25. Getting Rid of Emotional Baggage
26. Mom, Look After Yourself!
27. How to Enjoy Life More
28. How to Live with Less and Spend Less
Appendix 1: Recommended Anti-Clutter and Organizing Books
Appendix 2: Time management – How Do You Do All That You Do?

About the Author

Tina Razzell is a happily married mom. Originally from England, she now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

As the children arrived, so did the clutter. It took a drastic move across continents for her to realize that she didn’t need all her possessions and that less is better. She’s been getting rid of stuff and helping others to do so ever since.

Her first book is titled Homeschooling Boys – Gaining Maximum Success from Minimum Cooperation. This is her second book, and her first on the subject of getting rid of clutter.

Pages: 62
Price: $2.99 US

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