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Ebook Author Details

Lynne Chapman
BellaOnline's Christian Living Editor

Lynne Chapman is published in The Secret Place, Living the Gospel Life and Hope-full Living devotionals as well as Evangel Sunday School Papers. Look for her writing also under the name Lynne Waite Chapman.

She has published six Clean Cozy Mystery novels. Heart Strings, Heart Beat, Murderous Heart, Caffeinated Murder, Secret Guilt and Secret Mercy.

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From Lynne:

Since the day I met Christ, I have had a constant hunger for God´s Word and have been in ongoing Bible study.

I am not an authority on the Bible or the Christian faith. Through this site, I want to share with you what I discover about God´s incredible Word. I will also introduce you to some inspiring people who truly live the Christian life while dealing with real life struggles.

I love interacting with people. I welcome your questions and comments. Please visit on my Facebook page.

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    Frequently Asked Questions
  • Where do I find articles on different topics?
    My Feature Articles can be found organized under the different Subject listings on the left side of the Christian Living Site main page.
    My most popular articles are under the Subject listing Women of the Bible
  • What do the flowers beside some of the subject links mean?
    A flower located beside a subject link means that there are several related articles located in that link. For instance, the link for Christmas contains many articles having to do with Jesus birth, and the holiday in general.

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Contact Lynne Chapman

Hair Color
by Lynne Chapman
Learn to do your own hair color! Avoid mistakes. Learn how to get the right color the first time.
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Names of God
by Lynne Chapman
The Creator of heaven and earth. Who can know Him? Our God is given names in Scripture that describe individual characteristics of His personality. We can know Him by His names. We can experience God through the names given Him in Scripture.
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Perfect Wedding Hair
by Lynne Chapman
Your wedding day is your special time and should be just the way you want it to be, a reflection of you. "Perfect Wedding Hair" is over 48 pages of great hairstyles and ideas for your wedding. On sale now for your Spring and Summer wedding.
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The Secrets of Ageless Women
by Lynne Chapman
Be Beautiful at Age 30, 40, 50 and Beyond. We have all noticed them – those women with timeless beauty. Their hair is always youthful and current, but never obviously trendy. Learn their secrets of ageless beauty.
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Updos For Every Occasion
by Lynne Chapman
Updos for parties, proms, weddings or the office. Follow these simple instructions to begin creating them yourself!
More Details ...

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