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Ebook Author Details

Sherry Vacik
BellaOnline's Asthma Editor

Welcome to BellaOnline’s Asthma site! This site is dedicated to providing helpful information for asthma patients and their families to aid them in living the best life possible.

My name is Sherry Vacik and I have been a freelance editor and writer since 2006 when I moved from the United States to the Czech Republic and began writing a blog called Czech Off the Beaten Path.In addition, I write for Sher´s Kindle Bookshelf--a blog about Kindle books I´ve read and want to share with readers.

Nine years ago, before moving to the Czech Republic, I was diagnosed with severe allergies and asthma which came as a complete shock. I had dealt with my children’s asthma and allergies for years up to that point, and never once thought I would also be diagnosed with asthma and allergies. Since that time, I have been focused on educating myself about asthma and learning how to live the best life possible in spite of having severe asthma, and have even managed to bring this experience across the ocean and apply it to my expat life.

Over the years, I have worked in the insurance industry in premium accounting, as a bookkeeper, administrative assistant, and in the accounting section of a major charity back when I lived in the U.S. My current work, since moving to the Czech Republic, revolves around freelance work in the following areas: writing, technical proofreading (specializing in the areas of materials science [physics] and biophysics), creating digital art, photography, while also learning how to use GIMP to create digital designs. I also work with clients by providing research services and writing reports for their websites and other projects.

My online activities include writing for my blog (above), where I share stories about my life as an American expat living in the Czech Republic, and my travels around Europe. I also write about tourist sites and places to visit that are “off the beaten path”—away from the typical tourist sites.

I also write for Hubpages and Wizzley. My topics cover travel, health, tech issues, gizmos and more. I am also write for my own freelance website ( that serves as my professional online presence and as a home for all my online work.

There is one funny idea/day dream I have shared with family and friends and that is I would love to have something like a spacesuit with a controlled environment that would make it safe for me to go anywhere and everywhere! Those of you with severe allergies and asthma can probably relate to this idea!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions and suggestions you might have for this site. Again, welcome, and I´m looking forward to taking this journey with you!

Please check out my new book Asthma Tips & Advice
Now also available on Amazon Asthma Tips & Advice

Contact Sherry Vacik

Asthma's Nothing to Wheeze At!
by Sherry Vacik
Asthma management is the key to keeping your asthma controlled and stable. Asthma's Nothing to Wheeze At! offers tips and advice on how to manage your asthma.
More Details ...

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