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BellaOnline Press Release


BellaOnline Pops the Pop-Ups

July 28, 2006 - In a landscape that has most websites full of pop up ads, floating ads, flashing ads, mid-content ads and even worse, BellaOnline has renewed its pledge to provide as ad free a site as possible. BellaOnline's mission statement ensures that the site solely brings in enough ad income to pay the hosting and administrative bills - then donates thousands of ads each month to charity.

"With over 20 million pageviews a month, BellaOnline could certainly make a lot of money by running the standard suite of pop-ups, mid-article ad cubes and other obnoxious ad loads you find on similar sites," explains Lisa Shea, owner of BellaOnline and editor for the low carb and computer gaming sites. "However, we actively turn down ad requests every day. Filling BellaOnline with ads would go against the reason we exist. We are here to help women learn how to crochet, to clothe their families. We are here to help parents learn how to raise their children in a happy environment. If our users have to dodge flashing ads, read around intrusive mid-content ads and wait for drop down ads to vanish before they can get their help, we would not be doing our job very well. We would be taking advantage of the very people we are here to help."

BellaOnline's editors are very much a part of this community effort. As Lisa explains, "All editors are volunteers, donating their time and energy to the website. Each editor supports charity projects which fall within their topic area. The birding editor would support bird sanctuaries, while the quilting editor promotes charity quilt projects."

BellaOnline is always looking for new charities to help promote and for partnerships which help to support its mission. As a certain webbed superhero once said, "with great power comes great responsibility". BellaOnline takes that responsibility very seriously.

From its earliest days, BellaOnline has sought to use its website to help those who are less fortunate. Lisa summarizes by saying, "Here at BellaOnline, we aim to have every page of our website provide unique content written by our editors, to help our visitors live a happier, healthier life. We are very pleased that we can achieve this goal with only a bare minimum of ads on the site." is the second largest women's site in the world. Our mission at BellaOnline is to be the Internet's leading resource from a female point of view. We provide an environment that solves problems, provides peer advice, and shares collective information in a friendly atmosphere.

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