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Ebook Author Details

Tina Razzell
BellaOnline's Living Simply Editor

Originally from England, I now live in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. When we moved to the US we left a lot of our possessions behind and then discovered that we didn´t miss them. I realized that with fewer possessions I am not spending my time looking after them, and it has become a passion of mine to live with as little as possible.

I aim for the simple life, one of peace and organization, where we rule our possessions and not the other way round. A tidy and organized home is a place of peace and a peaceful mind is one I wish everyone could have.

Locally I run classes to help people reduce their clutter and better organize their lives. I´m now able to offer personal help by email. You can find more details by clicking this link.

Living Simply is more than just reducing clutter in your home. It is learning to not over schedule your time, and having just what you need to live your life, and so not being burdened by a life of stress.

After writing on BellaOnline for a while, I put together 30 articles from this site into an ebook. This can be purchased from BellaOnline, Amazon. or Barnes and Noble.

I do advertise products on Living Simply and if you click on an advert and buy something, I may get a commission for your purchase. Please be assured I only recommend products I have used or books I have read. This is true for all of BellaOnline, we only recommend products we love.

Please email me with any questions you have, or articles you would like to see written on this site.

Contact Tina Razzell

Living Simply-Improve Your Life with Less Clutter
by Tina Razzell
Living Simply – Improve Your Life with Less Clutter is a collection of articles dealing with getting rid of clutter.
More Details ...

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